The days leading up to today were horrible. I'm not the best known at school, after all I'm not in any way popular or famous, but even still I was shunned by my fellow Gryffindor peers for losing so many points. Neville's experience was similar to mine, but I felt pretty bad for Harry. His fame precedes him, and with that fame comes the oozing disapproval from every. single. person. in. Gryffindor. House. It, to be frank, sucked.
Detention was to be served in the Forbidden Forest. Now I realize that I deserve punishment. I do. I accept that. But (and I don't think this is just the muggle in me talking here) should detention for FIRST YEARS really be served in the FORBIDDEN FOREST, with no other real supervision but the guy who is kind of the reason I'm here (*ahem* Hagrid, You're the best ever, but really?) and the school caretaker whose best friend is a cat that I swear is a reanimated corpse? I would've voiced my concerns out loud, but Malfoy beat me to it, and I will in no way associate myself with him. He's probably turn around and make fun of me after he'd just said the same exact thing.
Anyway, Harry, Neville, and I went out to meet Mr. Filch in the entrance hall at eleven o'clock on the dot. Filch led the way with a lantern and we all met up with Hagrid and Fang before we grouped into two teams. Harry, Hagrid and I went into the forest on one side while Malfoy, Neville and Fang went the other direction. We were searching for any traces of unicorn's blood, which was apparently roaming around the forest injured, poor thing.
Hagrid went on the alert a few times, and he even said that there was something unnatural in the forest that must be after the unicorn. Either way, it'd be better for us if we'd find the unicorn first.
Harry and I were in for another surprise. It turns out that there are centaurs in the forest, and the ones we met were named Ronan and Bane. They were both very strange creatures, and no matter how many times we asked them if they'd seen anything unusual in the forest, they kept talking about Mars. I admit the night sky is beautiful at Hogwarts, but they were really avoiding the questions.
At this point, we had to switch around our teams simply because Malfoy can't leave well enough alone, so Hagrid, Neville, and I were in one team and Harry, Malfoy, and Fang in the other.
The team didn't find anything at all, except for some more spots of silvery blood here and there, until we heard a loud scream from the direction of the boys.
We all bolted. I ran as hard as I could, I was so worried. After a while we ran into the clearing where Harry stood standing, Malfoy nowhere in sight. Turns out Malfoy let out that scream when he saw the dead unicorn.
When we got back to the Common room, Harry began to tell both Ron and I what actually had happened. Apparently whatever was feeding on the unicorn (with it ending up dead and drained) was none other than He Who Must Not Be Named. Harry used his name quite casually the whole time he was explaining and Ron couldn't stop flinching each time.
A centaur name Firenze had saved him, lucky for Harry because those other centurs weren't exactly running for the rescue.
And so we concluded that Snape must be working for Voldemort. All he would need is the stone and then Voldemort would come for Harry.
Ron and I have to stop this from ever happening.
The only good thing is that Dumbledore is at Hogwarts, and the only wizard that He Who Must Not Be Named has ever feared was Dumbledore himself.
At least we can sleep safe tonight.
All Information based on the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Rowling, J. K., and Mary GrandPre. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Ch. 15. New York, NY: Scholastic, 1999. Print.