April 9, 1992

Study Schedules and Hatching Eggs

I know that I took a month off to focus only on school, but I have come to conclusion that writing down my thoughts helps me to really think through what I want to do next.  And since this blog is not about studying, it helps me concentrate on what to do about Snape, Fluffy, Hagrid and his flame prone house, and of course the "secret" that Fluffy is guarding.

But I can't help but also think about the fact that in about one month, Final Exams will be upon us.  Upon me.  And I reallllly hope I will be able to handle it.

I've started to make study schedules for Harry and Ron as well, and I'm pretty sure they're going all crazy with how strict I'm being, but I can't help it.  I don't want to be the only one to potentially succeed in these exams!

A week ago as Harry, Ron, and I were eating breakfast, Hedwig brought a note to Harry saying that the egg was hatching.  Ron wanted to go immediately, but I wouldn't allow it, which of course led to Ron arguing with me like a maniac all through first period.  So, we went to Hagrid's during morning break.

Watching that egg hatch was both so terrifying and beautiful.  The dragon was already the size of a large puppy, and it had just been born.  It was all black with orange eyes and spikes and horns all along its head and back.  Hagrid cooed over it like it was his own baby.  And I admit, although I don't condone the fact that he was harboring an illegal animal in his very flammable hut, it was quite an adorable sight to see.

Until he looked up. And saw Malfoy's snotty, smirking face staring at the dragon (Norbert as called by Hagrid). For the past week he's been looking particularly haughty, and he always gives Harry, Ron and I the same look.  It's been wracking at my nerves all week.

I've been to see Hagrid several times now and each time someone suggests letting Norbert go free, he gets all misty eyed and says that he's too small.

It's already grown three times it's original size.

So, we've hatched a plan.  Ron's older brother works with dragons (legally) in Romania, so we sent him an owl to see if he can save Norbert before Malfoy tells someone.  Hopefully we'll have his answer soon.

All Information based on the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. 

Rowling, J. K., and Mary GrandPre. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Ch. 14. New York, NY: Scholastic, 1999.  Print.